Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Perfect Slim

Perfect Slim Detoxification Patch

Lets discover the secret of how effectively you can
lose weight and keep it off for good
(..fuhh cakap omputih lak...)

Korang tahu apa itu ...
Perfect Slimming Detoxification Patch ???

"Perfect Slim" telah menjadi produk unggul di Jepun,Korea dan Negara-negara Asia sebagai produk Pelangsingan terkini, efektif dan diminati...........(...betullll...)

Kajian Sains selama 30 tahun, menghasilkan keputusan yang menakjubkan."Perfect Slim" patch dijamin 100% selamat dan tiada kesan sampingan.
Pakar Perubatan Jepun mendapati bahawa gam pokok "OAK" dan "BIRCH" mempunyai kesan detosifikasi yang hebat. Gam ini diekstrak dan diproses pada suhu yang tinggi bersama bahan-bahan semulajadi yg lain, dihancurkan menjadi serbuk dan dibungkus dalam uncang dan menjadi pelekat detoksifikasi yang hebat untuk abad ini.
Perfect Slim membantu meningkatkan kadar metabolism dan memecahkan lemak-lemak yang berada di tisu dan seterusnya memberi kesan dalam mengurangkan berat badan dan mendapat kulit yang lebih cantik dan sempurna.

Penyelidikan pakar-pakar dari Jepun membuktikan kehadiran mineral semulajadi dan ion negatif dalam Perfect Slim patch membantu mengurangkan masalah penghadaman dan menurunkan tahap kalori seseorang.

: How Does It Works :

Perfect Slim patch lebih berkesan dipakai pada tapak kaki selama 6-8 jam pada waktu tidur kerana lebih 62 titik akupuntur tertumpu di tapak kaki dari jumlah keseluruhan 360 titik akupuntur yang berada diseluruh tubuh badan manusia.

Toksin yang diserap ini akan di ekstrakkan dan keluar melalui liang-liang peluh di tapak kaki semasa kita tidur.

Pengguna dinasihatkan meminum air yang banyak sekitar 2-3 liter sehari bagi mendapatkan kesan yang maksimum.....ingat pesanan dari saya ni !!!

Ingredients :

Bamboo Powder and Wood Vinegar
After many research and development, a breakthrough was discovered bamboo and wood vinegar essence found in various trees has the ability to absorb toxins through acupuncture points located on the sole of the human foot. It has a disinfectant effect in sterilizing the skin.The ester content can easy permeate and bring nutriment to the deep tissue.The acetic acid will soften the skin cuticle and has a wonderful effect for skin care relieving dermatitis, itch, athlete's foot diabetic etc.

Chitin / Chitosan
With the combination of Chitosan it addresses the problem of loosing weight effectively without harming your body.It speeds up the metabolic rate and break down body tissue.Chitosan is a derivative component of crustacean shells.It is known for its powerful and unique absorption abilities.Extensive studies have also proven that it has strong fat binding properties.This enables it to lower LDL.The bad cholesterol by up to 10%.Its properties are so good that it has also been successfully used as weight supplement.

Negative Ions
Negatives ions are odorless, tasteless ans invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments ! Think of mountains,waterfalls and beaches.Once they reach out bloodstream,negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that decrease levels of serotonin helping to relieve stress (calming),alleviate depression boost energy increase defense again infection.

As this is a water - soluble it is used in order to absorb moisture from the surroundings.It especially enhances the effect of each component through synergism.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C has antioxidant activity.It also has a biological role as a reducing agent in hydroxylation reactions in the body.Vitamin C aids in absorption of non-heme ion by reducing it to the ferrous state in the stomach.Vitamin C stimulates procollagen synthesis and stimulates alkaline phosphatase.It can prevent the formation of carcinogens in foods and in the gastrointestinal tract.

Minerals are inorganics nutrients.They are essential for development, maintenance and repair of our body.Minerals have a great variety of functions,regardless of the concentration in the body.

Are you ready to see how our Perfect Slim And Detox Patch work ???
Removing Toxic Accumulation Through The Feet

Just look at this !
" Seeing is Believing "

Stay with "Perfect Slim" Patch. Don't Give Up Early !

Kandungan sekotak Perfect Slim : 5g x 10 keping

Market price....RM95.00......BUT

my Price RM89.90 only......plus !!! free "hadiah" from me...

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